Rotadairon ® Seeders SMC 90 / 100 / 130 / 145 / 150 / 180 / 200

These Rotadairon ® SMC 90 / 100 / 130 / 145 / 150 / 180 / 200 seeders are designed to reduce the quantity of seeds used
and to improve the seeding precision.

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RD 150 Rotadairon

Stainless steel chamber

Multiple Splined seed dispensers

Seeding rate adjustment with "dial" indicator

Rotadairon ® seeders SMC 90 / 100 / 130 / 145 / 150 / 180 / 200 Scope of work

The Rotadairon ® SMC 90 / 100 / 130 / 145 / 150 / 180 / 200 seeders are designed for turf and flower seeds, in combination with our various Rotadairon ® stone burier machines range. Seed, harrow, level and roll the ground in a single run!


SMC 90 STONY 90 960 mm 87 litres 45 kg
SMC 100 RD 100 1056 mm 95 litres 49 kg
SMC 130 RD 130 1320 mm 120 litres 56 kg
SMC 145 RD 145 1536 mm 139 litres 65 kg
SMC 150 RD 150 1536 mm 139 litres 65 kg
SMC 180 RD 180 1800 mm 163 litres 69 kg
SMC 200 RD 200 1940 mm 178 litres 74 kg

Rotadairon SMC dial
    Special features :
  • Adjustment with "dial" indicator.
  • Global volume adjusted seed rate, determined by the machine's ground speed.
  • Gears-driven seeder.
  • Seed rate adjustment by rotating the roller using the crankshaft supplied with the machine.

  • Rotadairon SMC 90 / 100 / 130 / 145 / 150 / 180 / 200 pictures
    Image Rotadairon

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