
The website owner is the DAIRON SAS company
Siret number :319-428-447 00027
Editor : Dairon SAS
Address :

Dairon SAS

Départementale 92
Les Hunaudières

Tel : 02.43.422.422

Fax : 02.43.422.000

Publishing supervision : Dairon SAS
Production : Dairon SAS, GUERINEAU Yoann, LOYER José


SAS au capital de 10 069 020 €
RCS Lille Métropole 424 761 419 00045
Code APE 2620Z
N° TVA : FR 22 424 761 419
Siège social : 2 rue Kellermann - 59100 Roubaix - France

In accordance with the French n°78-17 law (IT and Rights) from January 6th 1978, you are allowed access, rectification, modification and suppression rights regarding your personal data. To request the modification or suppression of said data, please write us at: Dairon SAS - Départementale 92 - 72230 MULSANNE.

All content (text and pictures), except public documents, is the exclusive intellectual property of Dairon SAS. Therefore, reproduction and distribution are strictly prohibited without prior authorisation from the company, in accordance with the provisions stated by the article L.122-4 of French intellectual property code.

Credits :
Graphic design : Dairon SAS, GUERINEAU Yoann, LOYER José
Production : Dairon SAS, GUERINEAU Yoann, LOYER José

Picture credits : Dairon SAS, Fotolia :
  • Fim
  • Agence DER
  • Fotolia X
  • Capnord