Rotadairon ® Seeders SMA 305 F

The Dairon company designed the Rotadairon ® Seeder SMA 305 F to seed all turf types, such as bluegrass,
fescue or rye-grass.

Notice Rotadairon

and parts list (only for Rotadairon ®

SMA 305F Rotadairon

3-point hitch seeder

Rotadairon ® SMA 305 F Scope of work

The Rotadairon ® seedersSMA 305 F are to be used on grounds prepared beforehand using a soil preparer / stone burier.

SMA 305 F 50 to 90 HP 3310 mm 750 litres 1640 kg

    Special features :
  • Multi-purpose seeder for large areas
  • cast-iron disc notched rollers
  • Steel seeder

  • Photos Gallery of SMA 305 F
    Rotadairon Picture
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