Knife Overseeding machine This overseeding machine allows you to perform your over-seeding operations in an economical way. The rotating knives create a groove in which the pods deposit the seeds. The machine allows a high precision seeding which is obtained by volumetric adjustment of all the cells constituting the rotor of the seed drill. The furrows are closed, naturally, by the elasticity of the grass but also by the passage of the roller with special tires. The cleaning of the tank is simplified thanks to the tool-free extraction of the agitator.
- Floating 3rd point hitch for better ground following
- Clean cut by the knives
- Precise dosing of seed quantities with the spline seed drill
- Stainless steel seed drill with spline dispenser
- Special tire roller
Seeding machine for tractors This seeding machine was designed to sow most varieties of grass such as pastures, red fescue, ray-grass, etc. on large areas. It is equipped with a gravity seed drill and two cast iron rollers, allowing a single clutch passage. It is used on the ground previously worked with the aid of a soil preparer/stone burier.
- Cast iron double roller crenellated discs
- Wheel Eraser Claws
- Swing rear roller
- Quick opening/closing system by guillotine, without flow change
- Front and rear roller scraper
- Seed flow adjustment
- Stainless steel gravity seeder